Wednesday, October 23, 2024
HomeHealthTips for Preventing Morning Sickness

Tips for Preventing Morning Sickness

During pregnancy, our bodies go through a lot and it’s important to take care of ourselves. Not only are we supporting our own bodies, but we’re also growing a baby. This can take a toll on our bodies if we’re not careful and can result in unpleasant side effects like morning sickness, stretch marks, and back aches. However, through my six pregnancies, I’ve learned how to better prepare my body, making each pregnancy easier and reducing my symptoms.

In my first few pregnancies, certain food smells would make me nauseous and I would often feel fatigued. During the early months, I would even fall asleep whenever I had the chance. While I didn’t have severe morning sickness like some of my friends, I still didn’t have much of an appetite. However, as I learned more about proper nutrition and took better care of my health, I noticed a significant difference in my last two pregnancies. I was slightly tired, but not as much as before. Some mornings, I didn’t feel like eating right away, but I wasn’t repulsed by food either. In fact, during my last pregnancy, I didn’t experience morning sickness at all! Building up protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals in our bodies before pregnancy can help us start off with reserves, reducing fatigue and sickness.

Although planning and preparation may not always be possible, especially with surprise pregnancies, it’s advantageous to prepare our bodies beforehand to avoid some symptoms. Pregnancy doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if our bodies are ready for it.

Morning sickness, despite its name, can occur at any time of the day. About 70-80% of women experience it at some point during their pregnancy. The causes of morning sickness are not fully known, but fluctuating pregnancy hormones, low blood sugar, stress, fatigue, certain foods, and travel can all contribute to it. Some researchers believe that morning sickness may be a way for our bodies to protect the developing baby from potential harm, especially in the past when proper food storage wasn’t available.

Morning sickness can start as early as six to eight weeks into pregnancy and can last for a short duration or throughout the entire pregnancy. Typically, women start feeling better during the second trimester, around weeks sixteen to twenty.

To avoid morning sickness, there are several recommendations that may help. These include using magnesium oil topically, increasing intake of fatty fish or cod liver oil, drinking bone broth, consuming more protein and healthy fats, and avoiding processed foods, unhealthy fats, and sugar. Some evidence suggests that vitamin B6 levels may also play a role in morning sickness, but results from studies have been mixed.

Magnesium has been particularly effective in reducing morning sickness for many women. It helps regulate hormones and aids in avoiding nausea. Using topical magnesium or taking oral magnesium supplements can be beneficial, especially since digestion changes during pregnancy and absorption may be more difficult.

Fatty fish like sardines and salmon are rich in vitamins D and A, as well as omega-3s. These nutrients are essential for our bodies to absorb and utilize magnesium effectively. Consuming enough healthy fats and proteins before pregnancy can also help regulate blood sugar levels and balance hormones, potentially reducing the likelihood of morning sickness. Including a variety of protein sources, such as eggs, meat, bone broth, and healthy fats like coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and coconut cream, can support a healthy pregnancy.

In conclusion, taking care of our bodies before and during pregnancy is crucial. Making sure we have proper nutrition, increasing intake of magnesium and fatty fish, and avoiding unhealthy foods can help prevent or reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. Each pregnancy is unique, but with preparation, it’s possible to have a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.


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